NOTICE OF NEPA DOCS: Paired Sample Study of Managed Flow and Food Subsidies on the Availability and Quality of Delta Smelt Habitat and Prey (2022-2026)

Reclamation proposes to collect and analyze data to measure the effects of water management on Delta Smelt habitat, food quality, and quantity. Researchers would collect Delta Smelt habitat and prey data, from a motorized boat, concurrent with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring data to inform water management actions in the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers.

Reclamation would conduct studies to collect data each year from 2022 through 2026 during March through November.

Reclamation would use the results of the studies to inform modified outflow, Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates operations, and Summer/Fall Habitat Action food subsidy actions for Delta Smelt.

EA_PairedSampling_2022_2026v6 FINALcb2.pdf