NCWA ANNUAL MEETING: Secretary Crowfoot and Cal EPA’s Kristin Peer discuss ‘Ridgetop to River Mouth Water Management’ Maven Event coverage March 17, 2021The Northern California Water Association Annual Meeting was held on March 5, 2021. The theme was ‘Ridgetop to River Mouth...
GUEST ARTICLE: Why the Sacramento region’s watershed is ‘super,’ and a buffer against climate change Maven Guest contributors March 8, 2021Guest article written by Jeff Harris, a council member for the city of Sacramento and Bruce Houdesheldt, vice mayor of...
WATER COMMISSION: Merced River Watershed Flood MAR Study Maven Best of the Notebook November 19, 2020[cmtoc_table_of_contents] Kamyar Guivetchi, Manager of DWR’s Division of Planning has often referred to Flood Managed Aquifer Recharge (or Flood MAR)...
Watersheds 101 Maven News and Features October 7, 2020[cmtoc_table_of_contents] No matter where you are in the world, you are in a watershed. The water flowing over the land...
REPORTS: Concurrent governance processes of SGMA; Comparing complexity in watershed governance; Challenges of using and interpreting GPCD Maven Other News Item March 11, 2020Concurrent Governance Processes of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act By Anita Milman and Michael Kiparsky California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)...
Utilizing Bioassessments and Citizen Science for Stewardship in the Truckee River Watershed Maven Science on the Notebook September 14, 2017The Adopt a Stream program of the Truckee River Watershed Council has grown from a one-day monitoring event to quarterly...