California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta – a short history of big changes Maven Science News January 3, 2021From the California Water Blog: “Deltas globally adjust with changes and fluctuations in external conditions, internal dynamics, and human management....
STATE OF THE ESTUARY: Underappreciated Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Groundwater Levels Maven Best of the Notebook January 9, 2020When most think of the possible impacts of sea level rise, they think of coastal flooding and the growing risks...
LIVING SHORELINES: Linking estuary habitats and building capacity to adapt to rising seas Maven Event coverage November 14, 2019A living shoreline is a shoreline protection alternative that relies on the strategic placement of plants, stone, sand fill, and...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Monitoring and Managing Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Tidal Marshes in the San Francisco Estuary Maven Event coverage February 28, 2019Once not all that long ago, the prevailing thought was that if tidal marsh remnants were protected and carefully managed,...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Science-Based Regulatory Permitting for Resilient Tidal Habitat Restorations Maven Event coverage February 21, 2019The permitting of tidal restoration projects is most often a costly and time-consuming process, causing substantial delays in implementation while...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Emergent groundwater and sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: the silent and largely unknown underground threat Maven Event coverage November 8, 2018The threats that sea level rise poses to coastal development from direct inundation are better understood than the threats due...
GUEST COMMENTARY: A vision of California with 2 meters of sea level rise Maven Guest contributors October 18, 2016Website project seeks to help people think different about life in a climate changed world Written by David Zetland: Most...
Adapting to sea level rise and climate change in the San Francisco Bay Area: What can we do? Maven Event coverage July 31, 2015Dr. Letitia Grenier and Jeremy Lowe discuss current projects underway to address adapting the San Francisco Bay’s shoreline for sea...
Tidal marshes: Adapting to sea level rise, carbon sequestration Maven Event coverage July 29, 2015Dr. Jim Morris on the mechanisms of how tidal marshes keep pace with sea level rise, and Dr. John Callaway...
Projecting inundation in the San Francisco Bay: Sea level and tides Maven Event coverage July 28, 2015UC Berkeley’s Dr. Mark Stacey with the latest research on the impacts of sea level rise on the Bay Area...