Secretaries Laird, Rodriquez and Ross discuss the California Water Action Plan Maven Event coverage December 11, 2013At the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) fall conference last week, the luncheon featured Natural Resources Secretary John Laird,...
Letter: California’s Republican representatives write letter to the President and the Governor, asking him to ‘take immediate action to mitigate the catastrophic effects of another natural drought exacerbated by environmental conditions” Maven News and Features December 10, 2013California Republicans have sent a letter to President Obama and Governor Brown, urging them to “take immediate action to mitigate...
Ellen Hanak on scientists and stakeholder views of Delta ecosystem management Maven Best of the Notebook November 20, 2013At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, Ellen Hanak gave a presentation that summarized...
Dr. Jeffrey Michael and Jerry Meral discuss the economics of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Meetings November 19, 2013At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, economist Jeff Michael and Deputy Secretary of...
State of the Estuary Panel Discussion: One estuary, many plans: How will they fit together? Maven Best of the Notebook November 7, 2013The 11th Biennial State of the Estuary conference held in October, 2013, brought together the leaders from the state’s resource...
A primer on Delta and statewide planning projects Maven Best of the Notebook November 4, 2013With the release of the Governor’s California Water Action Plan, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of...
Policy, politics & public opinion: What does it take to craft and pass a successful water bond? Maven Best of the Notebook October 30, 2013With the grim reaper of legislation sure to be visiting the $11.14 billion water bond early in 2014 to officially...
Special edition of San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science Journal features 9 essays on science, policy, and the Delta Maven Science Publications October 17, 2013Volume 11, Issue 2 of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is now available online. This is a special issue...
Maven’s Minutes: Water storage part 3: Optimizing surface and groundwater resources – where do we go from here? Maven Legislative Hearings September 9, 2013California lacks a statewide sustainable groundwater management program, instead leaving groundwater under local control, and while there are a few...
Assembly Committee for Water, Parks, and Wildlife’s informational hearing on the framework for a water bond Maven Legislative Hearings August 18, 2013On August 15, the Assembly Committee for Water, Parks, and Wildlife held an informational hearing to gather public comment as...
Phil Isenberg updates the California Water Commission on the Delta Plan, and the role of the Council in regards to the BDCP Maven Meetings July 24, 2013The Delta Stewardship Council’s role regarding the BDCP, as well as the multiple lawsuits filed over the Delta Plan were...
Principles for Developing a Water Bond: Comments received so far, and how to add yours to the mix Maven Other News Item July 18, 2013On July 2nd, the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife Anthony Rendon presented proposed Principles for...
Chair Anthony Rendon presents “Principles for Developing a Water Bond” to the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife Maven Legislative Hearings July 3, 2013With the budget passed and the Legislature preparing to turn its attention to restructuring a new water bond, Anthony Rendon,...
From the press conference: Natural Resources Agency releases remaining draft BDCP documents; includes costs, benefits, and funding information Maven News and Features June 4, 2013Using the Silicon Valley as a backdrop, the Brown Administration held a press conference and media call on May 30th...
Restore the Delta’s panel of experts discusses the costs of the tunnels Maven News and Features June 4, 2013On May 28, the day prior to the release of the remaining chapters of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Restore...