BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Sources and Sinks! What’s Going on With Mercury in Sacramento Valley Tidal Wetlands? Maven Best of the Notebook January 27, 2022Legacy mercury contamination is problematic in California waterways due to historic gold and mercury mining. Even today, mercury from abandoned...
BAY-DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: A new model to address legacy Gold Rush mercury in the Delta Maven Best of the Notebook January 20, 2022It can be a bit hard for some to comprehend, but it is true: Here in the 21st century, California...
NOTICE: Delta Science Program Completes Independent Review of Delta Mercury Control Program Phase 1 Studies Maven Other Announcements July 24, 2021From the Delta Science Program: At the request of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Delta...
NOTICE: Delta Mercury Control Program Control Study Workshop (Sept 2020) Document Availability Maven Other Announcements May 19, 2021From the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board: Documents are now available from the Delta Mercury Control Program’s Workshop...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: From Measurements, Models and Maps to Management Maven Science on the Notebook June 11, 2020The USGS and the Delta Stewardship Council are recruiting the next Delta Lead Scientist who is appointed by the Council...
NOW AVAILABLE: Independent Scientific Review of the Delta Mercury Control Program Phase 1 Methylmercury Control Studies Maven Other Announcements August 26, 2019From the Delta Stewardship Council: A report to the Delta Science Program from the independent scientific review panel for the...
Update for Delta Mercury Control Program and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Maven ANNOUNCEMENTS June 17, 2017 From the Delta Mercury Control Program, Central Valley Regional Water Board: Below are a series of brief updates related...
Mercury and rice in the Delta: Lessons linking wetlands to water and wildlife Maven Best of the Notebook April 6, 2017Dr. Lisamarie Windham-Myers is an ecosystem ecologist specializing in wetlands. As an ecosystems ecologist, she works across a broad spectrum...
How the San Francisco Bay Regional Monitoring Program integrates research and monitoring of mercury and methylmercury Maven Science on the Notebook September 1, 2016Dr. Jay Davis highlights studies to determine where the greatest potential exists to address methylmercury in the San Francisco Bay...
Overview of control studies for the Delta methylmercury TMDL Maven Event coverage August 30, 2016Dr. Stephen McCord discusses the progress made so far on the phase one control studies; final reports are due October,...
Removal of mercury from surface waters using coagulation Maven Best of the Notebook August 25, 2016Dr. Tamara Kraus with the USGS presents the latest laboratory and field test results using metal-based salts as a coagulant...
Overview of mine remediation in the Bay-Delta Ecosystem Maven Science on the Notebook August 24, 2016California is making progress on remediating abandoned mine sites, says Carrie Austin, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board The California...
Addressing mercury in the Delta: An update on the Delta Mercury Control Program Maven Meetings March 23, 2016Presentation from the Central Valley Regional Water Board covers Phase 1 methylmercury control study progress reports and implementation of the...
Yolo Bypass Symposium part 2: Fish, fowl, and the mercury conundrum Maven Best of the Notebook February 19, 2015Restoration efforts have succeeded in restoring waterfowl populations in the Yolo Bypass; can the same happen now for fish? Plus...
A methylmercury update from the State Water Board Maven Best of the Notebook April 30, 2013Mercury contamination is a widespread problem, not just locally but also globally, and its serious effects on health are well...