Bruce Herbold: The Value of Wetlands to Fish Maven Science on the Notebook December 2, 2014Bruce Herbold began by telling a personal story. “I have some friends in Austria, and the dearest of them, her...
A restoration hub for the Delta: Better tools and processes for science-based restoration Maven Science on the Notebook November 21, 2014Restoration in the Delta has always been challenging, at best. Habitat restoration objectives already number in the tens of thousands...
Dr. Stephen Brandt: Habitat quality: A fish’s perspective Maven Science on the Notebook November 14, 2014The 8th Biennial Bay Delta Science Conference brought together over a thousand scientists, managers, and policy makers to Sacramento to...
A Delta Transformed: New San Francisco Estuary Institute Report Reveals Dramatic Changes to Delta Ecosystem Maven Other News Item October 29, 2014From the Department of Fish and Wildlife: A recent study produced by the San Francisco Estuary Institute-Aquatic Science Center and...
Fish Restoration Program Update: Prospect Island, Miner Slough levee repair, restoration monitoring and more … Maven Other News Item October 24, 2014The Fish Restoration Program (FRP) updates are issued by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department...
In the Bay Area, Alameda Creek work trickles on Maven FEATURED ARTICLES October 8, 2014From Ariel Rubissow-Okamoto at Estuary News: Throughout Alameda Creek’s 640-square-mile watershed dozens of wet spots have been drained, dams built,...
Delta Stewardship Council endorses habitat restoration issue paper; an update on the Delta Levee Investment Strategy Maven Meetings September 5, 2014At the August meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, council members spent the morning touring the Antioch Dunes and Dutch...
Delta Conservancy Board discusses land ownership and management in the Delta, funding for the Conservancy, and more, plus a brief update on the BDCP and the Delta Plan Maven Meetings August 14, 2014On July 23rd, the Delta Conservancy held a board meeting. Agenda items included an overview and discussion of the Delta...
Fish Restoration Program Update: Additional willing sellers sought, Prospect Island EIR, Miner Slough levee repair, Miner Slough shipwreck survey Maven Other News Item June 19, 2014From Dan Riordan at the the California Department of Water Resources (DWR): Fish Restoration Program (FRP) updates from the California...
Success in the Delta through collaboration and coordination: The California Water Quality Monitoring Council, the Yolo Bypass Foundation, and the Cosumnes River Preserve Maven Meetings April 23, 2014The theme of successful collaborations in the Delta continued with the last agenda item of the March meeting of the...
Getting things done in the Delta: The Coalition to Support Delta Projects updates the Delta Stewardship Council on their progress Maven Meetings April 22, 2014The Coalition to Support Delta Projects is a diverse group of prominent water stakeholders that came together early in 2012...
Fish Restoration Program update: Minor Slough levee repair, Prospect Island update, and annual report available Maven Other News Item April 11, 2014From the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW), this update from...
Fish Restoration Project Update: Prospect Island, Cache Slough, FRPA restoration goals, groundwater monitoring and outreach Maven Other News Item December 6, 2013Prospect Island DEIR Process and Schedule FRPA and its consultants are currently in the process of developing the Prospect Island...
Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta discusses CSAMP, habitat restoration and emergency response in the Delta Maven Meetings September 26, 2013On September 24, 2013, Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta was updated on the status of the Collaborative...
Fish Restoration Program Agreement update: Propsect Island, groundwater monitoring and more Maven Science on the Notebook August 22, 2013From the Department of Water Resources, this update on the latest activities of the Fish Restoration Program Agreement (FRPA): Prospect...