Adaptive Management in Action: The South San Francisco Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Maven Event coverage April 14, 2016The largest wetlands restoration project on the West Coast, the project provides a working example for an adaptive management framework...
Adaptive approaches to wetland restoration in Southern California Maven Event coverage March 24, 2016Delta Independent Science Board member Dr. Joy Zedler shares her insights on the ups and downs of coastal wetland restoration...
Improving adaptive management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Maven Best of the Notebook March 17, 2016Report looks at how adaptive management is perceived and used in the Delta, and how it might be applied more...
Fish Restoration Program Update: Decker Island, Prospect Island, Cache Slough Complex and Suisun Marsh Maven News and Features November 20, 2015From the Department of Water Resources and the Department of Fish and Wildlife: In this update: Decker Island Property Acquisition...
Landscape-scale planning for ecological resilience in the Bay and Delta Maven Event coverage July 30, 2015Senior Scientist Robin Grossinger discusses the latest research working to develop tools and to understand how to build landscapes resilient...
Tidal marshes: Adapting to sea level rise, carbon sequestration Maven Event coverage July 29, 2015Dr. Jim Morris on the mechanisms of how tidal marshes keep pace with sea level rise, and Dr. John Callaway...
Fish Restoration Program update: Prospect Island, Decker Island, and more Delta restoration news Maven Other News Item July 2, 2015From the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW): Prospect Island EIR...
Delta challenges workshop, part 4: Fish, birds, and habitat Maven Event coverage April 24, 2015Panel of experts looks at historical ecology and critical ecological functions of the Delta, the complexities of fish management, and...
Droughts, climate change, and dams: Reconciling a future for California’s native fishes Maven Event coverage April 1, 2015Dr. Peter Moyle lays out a statewide aquatic conservation strategy for saving California’s native fishes in the face of climate...
The Delta Landscapes project: Creating a spatial framework to inform restoration planning Maven Event coverage March 16, 2015A new report uses landscape metrics in both the historical and contemporary Delta to help define, design, and evaluate functional,...
Yolo Bypass Symposium part 2: Fish, fowl, and the mercury conundrum Maven Best of the Notebook February 19, 2015Restoration efforts have succeeded in restoring waterfowl populations in the Yolo Bypass; can the same happen now for fish? Plus...
When it comes to fish habitat, offers they can refuse Maven FEATURED ARTICLES December 22, 2014From Estuary News: “The numbers are daunting: 8,000 acres to be restored to fish-friendly tidal habitat in order to comply...
Matt Nobriga: The utilization of tidal marshes by fishes of the Upper San Francisco Estuary Maven Science on the Notebook December 19, 2014At the 2014 Bay Delta Science Conference, Matt Nobriga, a fish biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, gave...
Dr. Peter Moyle: Novel Ecosystems of the Suisun Marsh and the Delta – A New Reality Maven Best of the Notebook December 18, 2014The Delta of our modern times bears little resemblance to its historical self, a mix of native and non-native species...
Chris Enright: Direct and Indirect Effects of Large-Scale Restoration and Implications for Science and Management Maven Science on the Notebook December 3, 2014Chris Enright began by saying that the title was quite a large topic, so he would be concentrating on physical...