Lawsuit filed against Delta Plan Maven Other News Item May 24, 2013From Westlands Water District (via agleader’s twitter feed): “Raising serious objections to the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan, today the...
Delta Stewardship Council adopts final Delta Plan, 7-0 Maven Other News Item May 16, 2013From the Delta Stewardship Council: “After eight drafts, almost 100 public meetings, and nearly 10,000 individual comments, the Delta Stewardship...
Implementing the Delta Plan Maven Meetings May 9, 2013With the very first Delta Plan set to be adopted in May, just how that plan would be implemented was...
Final Delta Plan documents posted Maven Other News Item May 5, 2013The proposed Final Delta Plan and the Final Programmatic EIR are now posted and available for review at the Delta...
Congressmen raise concerns about San Joaquin flow objectives and lack of integration among Delta planning processes; agency officials respond Maven Other News Item May 2, 2013Concerns about the State Water Board’s proposed San Joaquin River flow objectives, the BDCP’s effect on upstream water rights, and...
Delta Stewardship Council approves final direction for Delta Plan Maven Meetings April 20, 2013Here’s an update from the Delta Stewardship Council on the status of the Delta Plan: “A final review of the...
Development of the Delta Science Plan continues, plus an update on the Delta Plan, EIR, and Rulemaking Package Maven Meetings March 8, 2013At the Delta Stewardship Council at the February 21st, 2013 meeting, Lead Scientist Dr. Peter Goodwin discussed in further detail...
No love for the Delta Plan’s proposed regulations at the public hearing Maven Meetings January 29, 2013There wasn’t much love shown for the Delta Plan and its proposed regulations at last week’s Delta Stewardship Council hearing...
Addendum to Maven’s Minutes: Huffman clarifies the meaning of “reduced reliance on the Delta” Maven Best of the Notebook January 24, 2013Yesterday’s Maven’s Minutes post on the Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta meeting included this portion, quoted from...
Metropolitan’s Bay-Delta Committee hears an update on Delta restoration projects, the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, and the Delta Plan Maven Meetings January 23, 2013On January 22, 2013, Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta heard an update on restoration projects currently underway...
Developing the Delta Science Plan: Defining the problems, proposing solutions Maven Meetings December 21, 2012Discussion of the development of the Delta Science Plan continued at the December 13th meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council...
The Delta Stewardship Council discusses next steps for the Delta Plan, the Rulemaking Process, near term actions and the Lower Yolo Ranch Habitat Restoration Project Maven Meetings December 19, 2012As the Delta Stewardship Council and staff shift their focus from building and developing the Delta Plan to implementing the...
Developing the Delta Science Plan: How can ‘best available science’, adaptive management, and scientific monks inform policymakers? Maven Meetings November 25, 2012With the Delta Plan calling for a comprehensive Delta Science Plan to be in place by December of 2013, development...
The Delta Stewardship Council discusses near-term strategies and implementing the Delta Plan as the final documents are prepared for release, and the Delta Science Board proposes an engineering review of the BDCP Maven Meetings November 19, 2012The final Delta Plan and related documents are on track to be posted at the end of the month, the...
The Delta Stewardship Council discusses near term strategies, levee issues, and an update on the Delta Plan Maven Meetings November 1, 2012Strategies for near-term actions in the Delta, implications of Army Corps policies regarding Delta levees, and an update on the...