GUEST ARTICLE: Water Forum 2.0: Updating the Sacramento region’s landmark water deal Matt Weiser Guest contributors July 21, 2021An interview with Water Forum Executive Director Jessica Law on climate change, equity and shaping a groundbreaking agreement for the...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Governance and collaboration Maven Meetings May 20, 2021The California Water Commission is in the process of completing the task assigned to them in the Water Resilience Portfolio...
FEATURE: Water wars! What are they good for? Maven Best of the Notebook April 21, 2021A recap of the webinar featuring Tim Quinn, formerly with ACWA, Tracy Quinn with the NRDC, and author John Fleck...
GUEST ARTICLE: Wicked Is a Special Kind of Problem: What It Is and What to Do about It Maven Guest contributors March 15, 2021This guest article was written by Lisa Beutler, Executive Facilitator at Stantec, and first appeared in the January 2021 issue...
GUEST COMMENTARY: From “Wicked” to “Complex”: A New Lead Scientist’s Outlook on Growing Our Understanding of Delta Science Maven Guest contributors September 23, 2020By Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen “My first exposure to the story of water in California came through a...
TIM QUINN: Forty Years of California Water Policy: What Worked, What Didn’t, and Lessons for the Future Maven Best of the Notebook July 16, 2020Tim Quinn spent more than ten years as the executive director of the Association of California Water Agencies and more...