THIS JUST IN … Tuolumne River agencies, Contra Costa Water District sign on to voluntary agreements MOU Maven Breaking News November 10, 2022New Signatories Add Momentum to Years-Long Effort to Help Recover Salmon While Protecting Water Reliability Press release from the Natural...
Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Working Group meetings regarding the Revised Draft Biological Goals Maven Other Announcements October 22, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: The State Water Resources Control Board staff will hold two Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and...
NOTICE OF PREPARATION/CEQA SCOPING MEETING – Proposed Regulation to Implement the Bay-Delta Plan Maven Other Announcements July 16, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: The State Water Resources Control Board has issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP)...
ACWA CONFERENCE: Voluntary Agreements Update Maven Event coverage June 29, 2022At a December 2018 meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board, the Board was considering one of the highest-profile,...
CA WATER LAW SYMPOSIUM: Voluntary agreements: Are the promises enough or is it just a signpost on the way to more litigation? Maven Event coverage April 27, 2022Attorneys Richard Roos-Collins, Doug Obegi, Jennifer Buckman, and Peter Prows discuss the pros and cons of the voluntary agreements Voluntary...
DELTA INDEPENDENT SCIENCE BOARD: An update on the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan Maven Meetings March 23, 2022State Water Board staff provide an overview of the Bay Delta Plan and the progress to date At the March...
STATE WATER BOARD: Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan update: Completed and implemented by 2023? Maven Best of the Notebook December 15, 2021Board staff give an update on the progress on the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan, including an potential timeline...
NEVADA IRRIGATION DISTRICT considers joining voluntary agreement efforts in the Delta watershed Maven Meetings February 3, 2021Presentation at NID’s January board meeting focuses on the benefits of water supplier’s participation in the voluntary agreement process At...
PLANNING & CONSERVATION LEAGUE: The Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan: Where is it at? Maven Event coverage February 3, 2021Panel at PCL’s Environmental Assembly focuses on the lack of progress on the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan update and...
REACTIONS: NGOs and water agencies respond to voluntary agreements Maven Other News Item February 6, 2020Earlier this week, the Newsom administration released a new framework for voluntary agreements that could implement an update to the...
VOLUNTARY AGREEMENTS: Looking for more information? Here it is. Maven Breaking News February 4, 2020Looking for more information on the voluntary agreements? Details of the voluntary agreements can be found on this power point...
THIS JUST IN … Gov. Newsom: California must get past differences on water. Voluntary agreements are the path forward Maven Breaking News February 4, 2020Commentary written by Governor Newsom, posted at Cal Matters: Water is the lifeblood of our state. It sustains communities, wildlife...
VOLUNTARY AGREEMENTS: Environmental NGOs send letter to Governor Newsom outlining concerns Maven Other News Item September 23, 2019Last week, representatives for the environmental organizations that are actively participating in the Voluntary Agreement process sent a letter to...
DELTA SCIENCE: Lead Scientist Dr. Callaway updates the State Water Board on science efforts in the Delta Maven Meetings June 20, 2019At the May 21st meeting of the State Water Board, Lead Scientist Dr. John Callaway updated Board members of ongoing...
Fishing and river groups weigh in on the Voluntary Agreements Maven Other News Item March 7, 2019Their analysis concludes that the voluntary agreements as proposed could worsen conditions in the Delta Last week, the Department of...