BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: A Tale of Two Deltas: A Comparison of Transport Processes in the Predevelopment and Contemporary Delta Maven Science on the Notebook January 19, 2017Modification of the Delta’s landscape has fundamentally changed hydrodynamic and transport processes in the Delta. In this presentation, Jon Burau,...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: The scientific challenge of establishing appropriate baselines for restoration Maven Science on the Notebook January 12, 2017Ecosystem restoration generally seeks to reestablish structures and processes in ecosystems that have been degraded by human activities. The success...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Lessons from the ocean for integrating science in policy decisions Maven Event coverage January 5, 2017At the Bay-Delta Science Conference held in November of 2016, theme of the conference was “Science for Solutions: Linking Data...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Phil Isenberg with ‘A guide for the perplexed’ Maven Event coverage December 15, 2016Phil Isenberg is the former chair and vice chair of the Delta Stewardship Council. Prior to that, he served as...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Dr. Clifford Dahm on Data, Decisions, Delta Science Program, and Delta Directions Maven Event coverage December 15, 2016Dr. Clifford Dahm is an internationally recognized expert in aquatic ecology, climatology, and restoration biology, and he is professor emeritus...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Felicia Marcus on the use of science in complex public policy decision making Maven Event coverage December 8, 2016The Bay Delta Science Conference, held in November in Sacramento, brought together more than a thousand scientists, engineers and resource...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Dr. Peter Moyle on academic research, Delta smelt, and public policy: a personal history Maven Event coverage December 7, 2016Protection of the Bay-Delta ecosystem is at a pivotal point. The system has endured devastating drought cycles and often competing...
The Delta Landscapes project: Creating a spatial framework to inform restoration planning Maven Event coverage March 16, 2015A new report uses landscape metrics in both the historical and contemporary Delta to help define, design, and evaluate functional,...
Heather Cooley: The Untapped Potential of California’s Water Supply: Efficiency, Reuse, and Stormwater Maven Best of the Notebook January 21, 2015Recent study by the Pacific Institute and the NRDC show that there is potential water savings equivalent to 10.8 to...
Dr. Tracy Collier with the Delta ISB review of the BDCP Draft EIR/S, particularly regarding reliance on habitat restoration Maven Science on the Notebook December 22, 2014The Delta Independent Science Board (DISB) completed its review of the draft EIR/EIS for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP)...
Matt Nobriga: The utilization of tidal marshes by fishes of the Upper San Francisco Estuary Maven Science on the Notebook December 19, 2014At the 2014 Bay Delta Science Conference, Matt Nobriga, a fish biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, gave...
Dr. Peter Moyle: Novel Ecosystems of the Suisun Marsh and the Delta – A New Reality Maven Best of the Notebook December 18, 2014The Delta of our modern times bears little resemblance to its historical self, a mix of native and non-native species...
Chris Enright: Direct and Indirect Effects of Large-Scale Restoration and Implications for Science and Management Maven Science on the Notebook December 3, 2014Chris Enright began by saying that the title was quite a large topic, so he would be concentrating on physical...
Bruce Herbold: The Value of Wetlands to Fish Maven Science on the Notebook December 2, 2014Bruce Herbold began by telling a personal story. “I have some friends in Austria, and the dearest of them, her...
Ecosystem Modeling to Support Adaptive Management – Lessons from 40 years of Decision Support for the Great Lakes Maven Best of the Notebook November 25, 2014Managing large interconnected systems of water bodies presents complex challenges, and model simulations are an essential tool. For many years,...