BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Ecosystem services, conservation, and the Delta Maven Science on the Notebook July 18, 2019Second part of a three part series investigating ecosystem services and what it means for science in the Delta Ecosystems...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Towards multi-functional resilient landscapes: environmental heterogeneity as a bridge among diverse ecosystem services Maven Science on the Notebook July 11, 2019Ecosystem services are the many and varied benefits that humans freely gain from the natural environment and from properly-functioning ecosystems...
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT FORUM, Part 4: Case studies from the Bay Delta system Maven Science on the Notebook April 25, 2019Presentations highlight the Montezuma Wetlands Project and the Nigiri Project Adaptive management is widely regarded as an effective approach to...
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT FORUM, Part 3: Challenges and lessons learned with adaptive management in the Bay-Delta Maven Science on the Notebook April 18, 2019Panel of Delta project managers discuss how they apply adaptive management in their projects Adaptive management is defined in the...
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT FORUM, Part 2: How adaptive management is applied in other ecosystems Maven Event coverage April 11, 2019Presentations highlight structured decision making, collective action on invasive species, and a scoring system for restoration projects Adaptive management is...
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT FORUM, Part 1: Panel shares perspectives on and experience with adaptive management Maven Science on the Notebook April 4, 2019Panelists discuss what adaptive management is in a practical sense and how it can effectively be implemented in the Delta...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Smelt in Hot Water: Is Thermal Stress the Final Blow for Delta Smelt? Maven Science on the Notebook March 14, 2019Studies show fall water temperatures may play more of a role in Delta smelt survival than flow augmentation Managing freshwater...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Dark Carbon and a Return to Abundance: How Detrital Floodplain Food Webs Can Help Recover Endangered Fish Maven Science on the Notebook March 7, 2019In the pre-development Central Valley, winter-spring flooding once created a vast mosaic of productive wetland habitats that teemed with fish...
DR. JAY LUND: Water Supply Reliability Estimation: An overview Maven Best of the Notebook March 6, 2019Water supply reliability. It’s a term often talked about in the realm of California water, but what does it really...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Monitoring and Managing Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Tidal Marshes in the San Francisco Estuary Maven Event coverage February 28, 2019Once not all that long ago, the prevailing thought was that if tidal marsh remnants were protected and carefully managed,...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Science-Based Regulatory Permitting for Resilient Tidal Habitat Restorations Maven Event coverage February 21, 2019The permitting of tidal restoration projects is most often a costly and time-consuming process, causing substantial delays in implementation while...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Restoration in the Cache Slough Complex: The Yolo Flyway Farms Restoration Project Maven Science on the Notebook February 14, 2019The Yolo Flyway Farms Restoration Project involves restoring and enhancing approximately 278 acres of tidal freshwater wetlands at the southern...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Restoration Planning for the Sacramento –San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh: Considering the Implications of Climate Change Maven Science on the Notebook January 31, 2019The Delta Reform Act requires ‘taking into consideration the physical changes that have occurred in the past and the future...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Drought Resistance and Resilience in the Delta Fish Community for over 5 Decades Maven Science on the Notebook January 24, 2019The 2012-2016 California drought was unprecedented in severity. In the San Francisco Estuary, the drought was characterized by elevated nutrient...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Harvest, Hatchery Returns, and Straying of Salmon Released at Bay and Delta sites during California’s Drought Maven Best of the Notebook January 17, 2019The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Coleman National Fish Hatchery is the largest salmon hatchery in California, annually producing 12...