Evaluating the economics of the BDCP: Dr. Thornberg reviews all the economic analyses for Metropolitan and says “From my perspective, this is a no-brainer.” Maven Meetings December 16, 2013At the joint meeting of Metropolitan Water District’s Water Planning and Stewardship Committee and the Special Committee on the Bay-Delta...
SDCWA BDCP Workshop: ESA regulations, the environmental review process, and “Baselines 101” Maven Best of the Notebook December 4, 2013The San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority), a member agency of Metropolitan Water District, is dependent on imported water...
SDCWA Workshop: The BDCP Implementation Process Maven Meetings December 4, 2013The San Diego County Water Authority has been holding workshops to inform its board members on the Bay Delta Conservation...
The Delta Stewardship Council discusses water storage Maven Meetings December 3, 2013With the acknowledgement that the state’s water situation needs a comprehensive solution, one that extends beyond the reach of the...
Delta Stewardship Council meeting, part 1: Preparing for the BDCP review, the California Water Action Plan, and implementing the Delta Plan Maven Meetings December 2, 2013The Delta Stewardship Council held a two-day meeting in November 21-22, 2013. On the agenda for this meeting was the...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, part 2: American Rivers John Cain and The Nature Conservancy’s Leo Winternitz discuss the BDCP Maven Meetings November 26, 2013So what does the environmental community think of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan? In order to understand the details of...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, part 3: Russell van Loben Sels gives the in-Delta perspective on the BDCP Maven Meetings November 26, 2013What do those that live and farm in the Delta think of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan? Is there a...
Santa Clara Valley Water District BDCP workstudy session, Part 1: DFW’s Carl Wilcox Maven Meetings November 25, 2013As a large water supplier dependent on Delta water for a large portion of its water supplies, the Santa Clara...
Jerry Meral makes a case for the BDCP to the Redding City Council, and speaks to Northern California concerns Maven Meetings November 25, 2013At their request, the Redding City Council heard a presentation by Dr. Jerry Meral, Deputy Director of the California Natural...
Ellen Hanak on scientists and stakeholder views of Delta ecosystem management Maven Best of the Notebook November 20, 2013At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, Ellen Hanak gave a presentation that summarized...
Dr. Jeffrey Michael and Jerry Meral discuss the economics of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Meetings November 19, 2013At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, economist Jeff Michael and Deputy Secretary of...
Delta Stewardship Council ‘accepts’ the first Delta Science Plan Maven Meetings November 5, 2013After thousands of comments, several meetings, and three drafts, the first Delta Science Plan has been completed and accepted by...
Covered Actions process begins, Delta Plan Implementation Committee update, and other notes from the Delta Stewardship Council’s October meeting Maven Meetings November 4, 2013At the October meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, staff updated the Council on the covered actions regulatory process and...
Delta Stewardship Council receives a briefing on financing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Meetings October 29, 2013At their October 24 meeting, the Delta Stewardship Council heard a briefing from Department of Water Resources Laura King Moon...
Melinda Terry’s presentation to the North Delta Water Agency: “BDCP’s conditional mitigation – Is it enough?” Maven Meetings October 21, 2013The North Delta Water Agency sits in the cross-hairs of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP); with all of the...