California Water Commission hears an update on the key activities of the State Water Project Maven Meetings August 25, 2014At the August 20th meeting of the California Water Commission, Deputy Director of the State Water Project Carl Torgersen updated...
Delta Conservancy Board discusses land ownership and management in the Delta, funding for the Conservancy, and more, plus a brief update on the BDCP and the Delta Plan Maven Meetings August 14, 2014On July 23rd, the Delta Conservancy held a board meeting. Agenda items included an overview and discussion of the Delta...
Salinity management in the Delta during times of drought Maven Best of the Notebook August 13, 2014At the July 25th meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, council members heard a presentation on the challenges of managing...
Delta Stewardship Council hears updates on the Delta Levee Prioritization Strategy and Delta Plan performance measures Maven Meetings August 12, 2014At the July 25 meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, staff updated the council members on the progress made on...
Independent science panels present findings to the Delta Stewardship Council from Delta flows workshops Maven Meetings August 6, 2014At the July 25 meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, the council members heard an informational update on two independent...
California Water Commission part 4: Briefing on Water Storage Integration and Delta Vision Foundation Policy Paper Maven Meetings August 1, 2014At the July 16th meeting of the California Water Commission, Charles Gardiner from the Delta Vision Foundation gave a briefing...
California Water Commission, part 3: An update on Sites Reservoir Maven Meetings July 31, 2014At the July 16 meeting of the California Water Commission, Jim Weiking from the Department of Water Resources and Thad...
California Water Commission, part 2: An update on the implementation of the California Water Action Plan Maven Meetings July 30, 2014At the July 16 meeting of the California Water Commission, Kris Tjernell, Special Assistant for Water Policy with the Natural...
Metropolitan’s Bay-Delta Committee hears on update on the State Water Board’s actions in the Delta … are illegal diversions occurring? Maven Meetings July 29, 2014At the July 22 meeting of Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, attorney Becky Sheehan updated committee members...
BDCP vs. local water supply alternatives: Dr. David Sunding reviews the alternative supply analysis for Metropolitan’s Bay-Delta committee Maven Meetings July 28, 2014At the July 22nd Metropolitan Water District meeting of the Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, Dr. David Sunding of the...
Army Corps Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Study and the interim policy for the Levee Rehabilitation Program Maven Meetings July 25, 2014At the June 26 meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, representatives from the Army Corps were present to update the...
California Water Commission hears a brief update about organizational changes at DWR regarding the BDCP Maven Meetings July 23, 2014At the July 16th meeting of the California Water Commission, the Deputy Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR)...
Road transportation in the Delta Maven Meetings July 16, 2014At the June 26 meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, officials from various transportation agencies with jurisdiction in the Delta...
Metropolitan Water District’s review of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan’s draft Implementation Agreement Maven Meetings July 2, 2014At the June 24th meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta, committee members heard a presentation on the...
State Water Board workshop on urban conservation efforts, part 3: Urban water suppliers discuss allocation-based rate structures, rationing, and other drought management actions Maven Meetings July 2, 2014At the June 17 meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board, board members heard an informational update on the...