SGMA implementation: A first look at the emerging Groundwater Sustainability Plan and Alternatives Regulation Maven Meetings November 23, 2015The regulation will address required components of groundwater sustainability plans and how those plans will be evaluated With the first...
DWR and State Water Board discuss their roles in implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act at public meeting in Sacramento Maven Best of the Notebook November 18, 2015Meeting presentations include a look at the State Water Board’s intervention process With the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management...
Delta Stewardship Council discusses draft principles for Delta conveyance, storage, and water management operations Maven Meetings November 10, 2015The principles will be considered for adoption at the November Council meeting The Delta Reform Act created the Delta Stewardship...
Metropolitan Special Committee on the Bay Delta: What’s next for the Delta tunnels project and a look at the emergency drought barrier Maven Meetings November 5, 2015Presentation includes the many state and federal permits that are required With the public comment period for the California Water...
Draft regulations for spending Prop 1’s $2.7 billion for water storage projects presented at public meeting in Lafeyette Maven Meetings November 4, 2015California Water Commission rolls out the draft regulations for the Water Storage Investment Program With the passage of Prop 1,...
Delta Stewardship Council prepares to comment on the California Water Fix/BDCP partially recirculated environmental documents Maven Meetings October 27, 2015List of concerns include adaptive management, water quality, and impacts to the Delta In July of this year, the Partially...
California Water Commission adopts regulation for modifying basin boundaries, the first of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Maven Meetings October 23, 2015The new regulation outlines the procedure for requesting groundwater basin boundary changes, as well as the methodology and criteria for...
Water transfers and the Delta Plan, part 4: The buyers and sellers’ perspective Maven Meetings October 15, 2015A panel of buyers and sellers discusses the time frames, procedural considerations, and the overall complexity of water transfers Water...
Water transfers and the Delta Plan, part 3: The environmental perspective Maven Meetings October 14, 2015Dr. Bruce Herbold and Sandi Matsumoto discuss the potential impacts of single-year transfers on the Delta’s ecosystem and wildlife During...
Water transfers and the Delta Plan, part 2: The agency view Maven Meetings October 13, 2015DWR’s Bill Croyle and State Water Board’s Tom Howard discuss the water transfers: streamlining the process, recurring single-year transfers, and...
Water transfers and the Delta Plan, part 1: The basics Maven Meetings October 12, 2015As the Delta Stewardship Council prepares to revisit the issue of single-year transfers, staff review the basics: the types of...
California Water Commission: SGMA Implementation – Summary of Comments on Basin Boundary Regulation; Update on State Water Project Issues Maven Meetings October 7, 2015Presentation includes summary of comments received and planned revisions, as well as a new online tool; brief update on SWP...
Metropolitan Special Committee on the Bay-Delta discusses Cal Water Fix Maven Meetings October 6, 2015The project’s ecosystem measures, seismic risk analysis, climate change adaptation, and draft EIR discussed; also, a brief review of the...
Drought in the Delta: The view from within Maven Meetings September 29, 2015Melinda Terry and Dante Nomellini discuss water quality and water rights issues and how they are affecting Delta farmers As...
Delta Protection Commission prepares to comment on Cal Water Fix Maven Meetings September 28, 2015The September meeting includes an update on the preparation of comments, and input from Delta stakeholders on the project As...