DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Easements: A tool for preserving resources we value, or a straight-jacket that will limit our ability to adapt to a changing world? A study from Paradise Cut Maven Meetings March 13, 2018A conflict over easements complicate progress on a badly needed flood bypass for the San Joaquin The Paradise Cut Bypass...
METROPOLITAN BAY DELTA COMMITTEE: Committee members discuss financing construction of entire Cal Water Fix project Maven Meetings February 28, 2018At yesterday’s meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, the entirety of the meeting was devoted to discussion of...
CAL WATER FIX: Metropolitan Committee discusses the possible staged construction of the project Maven Meetings February 14, 2018There’s a bit of room for partial participation by CVP contractors; Metropolitan directors float idea of financing construction of entire...
METROPOLITAN BAY-DELTA COMMITTEE: Briefing on the reconsultation for the operation of the state and federal water projects, Delta ecosystem restoration, and prepping for a major Cal Water Fix announcement Maven Meetings January 31, 2018Briefing on the reconsulation process gives context for recent public meetings to maximize CVP deliveries The January meeting of Metropolitan’s...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Update on Sustainable Groundwater Management Implementation Maven Meetings January 4, 2018Since the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in September of 2014, the Department of Water Resources (DWR)...
SGMA IMPLEMENTATION: DWR releases draft BMP for sustainable management criteria Maven Meetings December 20, 2017Public comments due by January 8 Recently, the Department of Water Resources Sustainable Groundwater Management Program released a draft Best...
WATER STORAGE INVESTMENT PGM: New water storage projects showcased at the California Water Commission Maven Meetings December 19, 2017Proponents of water storage projects competing for Prop 1 funds present their projects to the California Water Commission The nine...
DELTA PROTECTION COMMISSION: Delta Watermaster Michael George gives quarterly update Maven Meetings December 6, 2017Update covers consumptive use study, implementation of the WIIN Act, and more … At the November meeting of the Delta...
California Water Plan Update 2018: Envisioning Statewide Water Sustainability Maven Meetings November 29, 2017The update to the California Water Plan will be a much shorter and more succinct document than it’s predecessors –...
STATE WATER PROJECT UPDATE: Oroville spillways construction overview, subsidence along the California Aqueduct; DWR’s GHG reduction plan Maven Meetings November 21, 2017The nine-member California Water Commission has been given a number of responsibilities as dictated by the California Water Code; one...
METROPOLITAN’S BAY DELTA COMMITTEE: Update on Cal Water Fix cost and benefit allocation discussions for State Water Project contractors Maven Meetings November 8, 2017Plan to allocate the costs and benefits of the California Water Fix project among State Water Project contractors begins to...
Delta Stewardship Council begins development of an ecosystem amendment to the Delta Plan Maven Meetings November 7, 2017The planned amendment to the Delta Plan’s Chapter 4 will incorporate new scientific information developed since 2013 At the time...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Water storage infrastructure in the 21st century Maven Meetings October 27, 2017The nine members of the California Water Commission have been given a task: to decide how to award the $2.7...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Overview of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Maven Meetings October 25, 2017The update to the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan was adopted by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board in August...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Overview of Central Valley Project Operations Maven Meetings September 26, 2017The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency within the Department of the Interior who operates water supply projects throughout...