CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: GRA’s The Future of Water Conference Maven Other Announcements November 7, 2020From the Groundwater Resources Association: The water industry is constantly changing. What are the new and innovative ways professionals are...
OPPORTUNITY: California Water Data Consortium Now Accepting Applications for Working Group Co-Chairs Maven Other Announcements November 5, 2020The California Water Data Consortium is seeking energetic candidates to serve as the inaugural co-chairs for the Consortium’s Data Users...
NOTICE: Reissuance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits Maven Other Announcements October 17, 2020From the State Water Resources Control Board: Attached is a public notice regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ reissuance...
COMMUNITY/SMALL WATER SYSTEMS: Opportunity for EPA training on the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) Risk and Resiliency Assessment and Emergency Response Plan requirements Maven Other Announcements October 17, 2020From the US EPA: Hello, Community Water Systems (serving populations greater than 3300 and less than 100000): Here is an...
NOTICE: 2020 Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule Maven Other Announcements October 17, 2020From the US Army Corps: The “Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification Rule” (85 Fed. Reg. 42,210) became effective...
REGISTER NOW: Army Corps Regulatory Program Workshop October 23rd on Navigable Waters Protection Rule Maven Other Announcements October 17, 2020From the US Army Corps: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold the next Regulatory Program Workshop...
NOTICE: Eastern San Joaquin Surface Water Panel Review Public Meeting November 6 Maven Other Announcements October 10, 2020From the Central Valley Water Board: The Central Valley Water Board will hold the third public meeting of the East...
NOTICE: Public Comment Opens for Madera Groundwater Sustainability Plans Maven Other Announcements October 9, 2020Four groundwater sustainability plans for the Madera subbasin are now online at the DWR SGMA Portal and are open for...
NOTICE: Term 91 Notice of Curtailment Maven Other Announcements October 9, 2020Please see the notice below of immediate curtailment of water right permits and licenses containing Term 91. As the notice...
NOTICE: Update to Bulletin 74, California Well Standards: DWR Convenes Technical Advisory Committee for Update of Well Standards Maven Other Announcements October 1, 2020From the Department of Water Resources: The Department of Water Resources will be updating DWR Bulletin 74, California Well Standards...
YOUR INPUT WANTED: “Your Delta, Your Voice” Community Survey Launched Take the Survey Today! Maven Other Announcements September 30, 2020The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) today launched an environmental justice community survey to gather input to inform Delta...
NOTICE: Notice of lifting of curtailments under standard water right term 91 Maven Other Announcements September 29, 2020Received via email from the State Water Resources Control Board: This email is to notify water right permit and license holders with Standard Water Right Term 91 (Term...
FREE WEBINAR SERIES for small water utilities Maven Other Announcements September 26, 2020The California Rural Water Association in partnership with the Santa Ana Watershed Protection Authority will be having a webinar series...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC WEBINAR: SAFER Aquifer Risk Map: At-Risk Domestic Wells and State Small Water Systems Maven Other Announcements September 26, 2020The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) will hold its third public webinar to receive input from interested...
NOTICE: USEPA Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Template Maven Other Announcements September 25, 2020This is to inform you that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has posted the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Standard...