THIS JUST IN … State Agencies Detail Progress Implementing Water Resilience Portfolio Maven Breaking News January 11, 2022From the California Natural Resources Agency: A new report (below) released today conveys significant progress made in the past 18...
YOUR INPUT WANTED: Draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda – Public Review Maven Science Announcement January 11, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: The draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda (SAA) is here! This draft was collaboratively developed by...
DAILY DIGEST, 1/11: CA’s ‘climate whiplash’ has been worsening for 50 years and will continue; Almost 400,000 Californians may lack access to safe drinking water; Alfalfa suits a water-challenged future; Newsom’s budget proposal would add billions to confront wildfire, climate change; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST January 11, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … FREE WEBINAR: Lunch & Learn: Putting Water in the Ground from 11:30 to...
FEATURE: Mountain Atmospheric Observatory Will Help Track Colorado River Water Maven News and Features January 11, 2022The Colorado River flows 1,450 miles from the Rocky Mountains to Mexico, forming the border between California and Arizona along...
Research by California Water Science Center Scientists focuses on hydrodynamics in the Deep Water Ship Channel Maven Science News January 10, 2022From the USGS: One of the primary ways of determining the health of an aquatic ecosystem is to understand its...
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Risks and Rewards of Lagoons for Rearing Steelhead Maven Science News January 10, 2022From FishBio: The ocean is the ultimate destination of water flowing through coastal streams, but in some cases it may...
AFTERNOON UPDATE: Governor Newsom releases proposed budget: Here are the details on his proposed climate, wildfire, and water spending Maven Breaking News January 10, 2022From the Office of the Governor: Governor Gavin Newsom today unveiled his 2022-23 state budget proposal – the California Blueprint,...
Research by California Water Science Center scientists focuses on hydrodynamics in the Upper Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel Maven Science News January 10, 2022From the USGS: One of the primary ways of determining the health of an aquatic ecosystem is to understand its...
DAILY DIGEST, 1/10: Will CA get out of drought this winter?; Salmon spawn in the Bay Area for the first time in 18 years; Newsom’s budget would add billions to fight drought, fires and boost CA farms; Current reservoir and snow conditions; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST January 10, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news today … Wet season watch: Will California get out of drought this winter? “California...
SGMO News: Submitting your GSP to DWR; InSAR Subsidence Dataset Update releasing soon; 2021 Year End Review of DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Activities; and more … Maven Other Announcements January 9, 2022From the Department of Water Resources, Sustainable Groundwater Management Office: NEW: Submitting Your Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) to the Department...
DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Four charts show why recent rains won’t end drought; Potter Valley license lapse sets stage for plans to dam removal; Thousands still without power in Nevada County; Ridgecrest reacts to water district adjudication mass mailing ; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST January 9, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news this weekend … California’s recent rains won’t end our stubborn drought. These charts show why...
NOTICE: Updates to State Water Board’s water loss webpage Maven Other Announcements January 8, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: On December 24, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Water Loss Performance Standards was...
NOTICE: Drought Conservation Emergency Regulation – January 2022 Maven Other Announcements January 8, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: On January 4, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted an emergency...
PUBLICATION: Climate and land change impacts on future managed wetland habitat: A case study from California’s Central Valley Maven Science News January 7, 2022From the USGS: California’s Central Valley provides critical habitat for migratory waterbirds, yet only 10% of naturally occurring wetlands remain....
WEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for Jan 2-7: The potential of deep carbon capture and storage in the Delta and Central Valley; Applying winter-run salmon life cycle model to pressing hydromanagement questions; plus all the top California water news of the week Maven WEEKLY DIGEST January 7, 2022A wrap-up of posts published on Maven’s Notebook this week … Note to readers: Sign up for weekly email service...