DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Newsom: Desalination project should be approved; Two SLO towns must halt new development due to lack of water, state agency says; What La Niña means for California this summer; How mermaids in the desert launched the career of Bureau of Reclamation commissioner; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST May 1, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news this weekend … Newsom: Desalination project should be approved — “We need more damn tools...
ONLINE CLASS: Introduction to Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans – An Online Shortcourse Maven Other Announcements April 30, 2022From UC Davis: Understanding groundwater and watersheds and how we monitor, assess, and sustainably manage these resources is critical and...
NOTICE of Proposed Rulemaking and Proposed Emergency Regulation Documents Posted for Russian River Watershed Maven Other Announcements April 30, 2022From the State Water Board: As California heads into a third consecutive dry year, the State Water Resources Control Board...
CDFW GRANTS: Cannabis Restoration Grant Program: Public Land Cleanup and Remediation Solicitation and Watershed Enhancement Solicitation Maven Funding opportunities April 30, 2022From the Department of Fish and Wildlife: California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW), Cannabis Restoration Grant Program (CRGP) released...
WEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for April 24-29: Voluntary agreements, PFAS in California, Millions of Californians under new water restrictions, and all the top water news of the week Maven WEEKLY DIGEST April 29, 2022A wrap-up of posts published on Maven’s Notebook this week … Note to readers: Sign up for weekly email service...
DAILY DIGEST, 4/29: Why the lawn is terrible for the water crisis; Salmon swimming in Battle Creek for first time in a century; Newsom reveals new plan to tackle California heat waves; NASA scientist discovers new means to measure snow depth from space; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST April 29, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news today … Why the Great American Lawn is terrible for the West’s water crisis “As...
BULLETIN 120 Forecast Update – April 26, 2022 Maven Other Announcements April 29, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: DWR has finished the April 26, 2022 Bulletin 120 (B120) forecast update. The forecast...
DAILY DIGEST, 4/28: Valley’s ‘water blueprint’ pushes for $6.5bil in water funds; Is NorCal next for water conservation rules?; Megadrought threatens CA power blackouts; Climate change is pushing toxic chemicals into drinking wells; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST April 28, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING: Delta Stewardship Council beginning at 9am. At its regularly-scheduled meeting on...
STATE WATER BOARD: PFAS in California Maven Meetings April 28, 2022Staff presents results from the ongoing statewide PFAS investigations Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (or PFAS) are a group of manufactured...
DAILY DIGEST, 4/27: New water restrictions on tap for SoCal, Bay Area; Third year of drought pushes price of water to $2,000 an acre foot; With dwindling water supplies, the timing of rainfall matters; Why we need slow solutions to solve our water problems; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST April 27, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Briefing on state and federal efforts on orphan wells from 10am to...
CA WATER LAW SYMPOSIUM: Voluntary agreements: Are the promises enough or is it just a signpost on the way to more litigation? Maven Event coverage April 27, 2022Attorneys Richard Roos-Collins, Doug Obegi, Jennifer Buckman, and Peter Prows discuss the pros and cons of the voluntary agreements Voluntary...
NOTICE: April 26 Weekly Update on Curtailment Status of Water Rights and Claims in the Delta Watershed Maven Other Announcements April 27, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This notice contains important information about the curtailment status of water rights and...
DAILY DIGEST, 4/26: Coastal Commission staff says Huntington desal plant should not be built; Southwest cities learn to thrive amid drought; Why the ag community is confused—and concerned—about an executive order on well drilling; In fight against Biden’s conservation plan, opponents bet on NEPA; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST April 26, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … LEG HEARING: Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife beginning at 9am. Click here...
NOTICE of Staff Workshop re: Making Conservation a California Way of Life: How forthcoming efficiency standards may impact local wastewater management Maven Other Announcements April 26, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: On May 11, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board)...
NOTICE: Public Workshops, Comment Period, and Board Consideration —Proposition 68 Groundwater – Drinking Water Treatment Operations and Maintenance Funding Program Guidelines Maven Other Announcements April 26, 2022From the State Water Board: The Notice of Opportunity for Public Comments, Public Workshops, and Board Consideration of Draft Proposition...