NOTICE: Public Workshops Discuss Changes to 2022 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Maven Other Announcements July 15, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: California’s rapidly changing climate is increasing flood risk even while the state experiences long-term,...
Open your mind and open your data! Maven Science News July 14, 2022Article by Rosemary Hartman and the IEP Data Utilization Work Group Here at IEP, we collect a lot of data,...
DAILY DIGEST, 7/14: Their wells went dry in a drought, leaving no water to fight fire; SF’s power position means few local drought restrictions. But can it last?; Experts react to celebrities using excessive water amid drought restrictions; Farmers in lower basin unite to solve drought crises; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST July 14, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: Delta Independent Science Board from 9am to 3:30pm. Agenda items include an...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Drivers of and trends in Delta water temperature Maven Meetings July 14, 2022At the June meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Laurel Larsen’s report focused on the effects of...
Atmospheric rivers help coastal wetlands build up sediment Maven Science News July 13, 2022From EOS: Extreme precipitation from hurricanes and atmospheric rivers can lead to increased flooding in the world’s coastal zones, where...
DAILY DIGEST, 7/13: Should CA use desal to quench its thirst?; PG&E plans to decommission Potter Valley Project; Salmon eggs returned to McCloud River; GBUAPCD requests state hearing on conditions on Mono Lake; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST July 13, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Expanding Frontline Communities’ Access to Federal Funding from 10am to 11am. Overview...
STATE WATER BOARD: Update on the Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Stormwater (STORMS) program Maven Meetings July 13, 2022Traditionally, stormwater was viewed as a flood management problem in which the runoff needed to be conveyed as quickly as...
NOTICE: July 12 Weekly Update on Curtailment Status of Water Rights and Claims in the Delta Watershed Maven Other Announcements July 13, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This notice contains important information about the curtailment status of water rights and...
DAILY DIGEST, 7/12: DWR plans for future drought with salinity barrier study; Maintenance repairs on Oroville Dam Spillway start this week; 2022 is California’s record driest year, so far, NOAA says; California’s future without agriculture; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST July 12, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … PUBLIC MEETING: Draft Environmental Assessment for the Salton Sea Management Program 10-Year Plan...
FIVE QUESTIONS: Jerry Meral, director of the California Water Program at the Natural Heritage Institute, and former Deputy Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency (among other things) Maven 5 Questions July 12, 2022Dr. Gerald (Jerry) Meral is the director of the California Water Program at the Natural Heritage Institute. He works on...
THIS JUST IN … DWR Releases Draft Environmental Impact Report for Future Drought Salinity Barriers Maven Breaking News July 11, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: In an effort to better prepare for future drought conditions in the face of...
DAILY DIGEST, 7/11: Water expert reveals how farms could save cities from drought; Why is the water so cold at California beaches?; Why have all the trees been dying?; When SCOTUS meets WOTUS; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST July 11, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WORKSHOP: California Water Plan: Climate Change at 10am. The workshop will provide details on...
DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Property owners, officials find ways around century-old laws; Californians finally starting to save water, but not much; Friant allocation increase to 20 percent; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST July 10, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] In California water news this weekend … Property owners and officials find ways around century-old laws as the West...
NOTICE: Independent Scientific Peer Review Panel Meeting: USBR’s Water Temperature Modeling Platform (WTMP) Maven Science Announcement July 8, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: Temperature management is a key parameter for the protection of species with specific cold-water needs...
USFWS: Tag and follow: Tracking sturgeon in the San Joaquin River Maven Science on the Notebook July 8, 2022Written by Brandon Honig When Austin Demarest and his team started looking for white sturgeon to tag in the San...