DAILY DIGEST, 8/16: CA GOP pitch Newsom on Shasta Dam expansion; Newsom clashes with with CA enviros on climate, water; Better atmospheric river forecasts are giving emergency planners more time to prepare for flooding; Colorado River cuts expected for Arizona, Nevada and Mexico; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 16, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: State Water Resources Control Board beginning at 9:30am. Agenda items include a...
Update on the Delta watershed emergency regulation Maven Other Announcements August 15, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This email is to provide an update on the emergency curtailment and reporting...
NOTICE OF PREPARATION and Scoping Meetings for the Yolo Basin Cache Slough Master Plan Program Environmental Impact Report Maven Other Announcements August 15, 2022The Central Valley Flood Protection Board is pleased to invite you to attend Scoping Meetings for the Yolo Basin Cache...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Certification of consistency filed for the South Mokelumne River Setback Levee Project Maven Other Announcements August 15, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: The following certification of consistency with the Delta Plan for a covered action has been...
DAILY DIGEST, 8/15: Pipe dreams: Why far-fetched western water projects won’t go away; Taps have run dry in a major Mexico city for months, could it happen here?; Basin states unlikely to meet federal deadline to draft plan to save Colorado River reservoirs; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 15, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Take It to The (Water) Bank: Ensuring Regional Water Supply Reliability from...
DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Risk of catastrophic California ‘megaflood’ has doubled due to global warming, researchers say; Could virtual networks solve drinking water woes for California’s isolated, disadvantaged communities?; Spaghetti sauce is under threat as water crisis slams tomatoes; All bad options’ as Biden administration faces Western water crisis; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 14, 2022[cmtoc_table_of_contents] Climate change and megafloods … If not by drought then by megaflood: Climate change may have doubled risk of...
WEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for Aug 7-12: Delta Conveyance Project history and resources; Newsom’s water supply strategy; More join voluntary agreement effort; and all the top water news of the week Maven WEEKLY DIGEST August 12, 2022A wrap-up of posts published on Maven’s Notebook this week … Note to readers: Sign up for weekly email service...
DAILY DIGEST, 8/12: Newsom unveils long-term strategy to bolster water supply, Agencies and stakeholders react; New signatories to voluntary agreements; Clock ticks down on Colorado River cuts. What will feds do?; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 12, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: Delta Independent Science Board (TOUR) from 9am to 4pm. The Delta ISB...
THIS JUST IN … State, Federal Agencies Announce New Signatories to Agreement to Improve the Health of Rivers and Landscapes (aka Voluntary Agreements) Maven Breaking News August 11, 2022Five Local Water Agencies Join Years-Long Effort to Help Recover Salmon While Protecting Water Reliability From the Natural Resources Agency:...
THIS JUST IN … With California expected to lose 10% of its water within 20 years, Newsom calls for urgent action Maven Breaking News August 11, 2022With California expected to lose 10% of its water within 20 years, Newsom calls for urgent action “With California enduring...
DAILY DIGEST, 8/11: Seven stats that explain the West’s epic drought; Farmers can save water with wireless technologies, but there are challenges – like transmitting data through mud; How wildfires affect snow in the American West; In a coastal California town, three iconic smokestacks are coming down. A community mourns; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 11, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: Central Valley Regional Water Board beginning at 9am. Agenda items include a...
NOW AT THE CALIFORNIA WATER LIBRARY: A Century of Delta Conveyance Plans Maven News and Features August 10, 2022Gavin Newsom’s Delta tunnel plan is out, rekindling a century-old debate about the diversion of Sacramento River water to the...
DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: New page at Maven’s Notebook provides explainers and resources for evaluating the draft environmental documents Maven News and Features August 10, 2022What is it? How will they build it? Can they keep the fish out? In late July, the California Department...
DAILY DIGEST, 8/10: Meet the man trying to save Delta smelt; Urban water suppliers report water savings progress statewide; DWR launches new tool showing groundwater sustainability projects; Enviros suing Sonoma County, say mismanagement is draining Russian River basin; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST August 10, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Obi Kaufmann: Understanding water through art, science, and ecology from 9am to...
NOTICE: August 9 Weekly Update on Curtailment Status of Water Rights and Claims in the Delta Watershed Maven Other Announcements August 9, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This update contains important information about the curtailment status of water rights and...