WEBINAR SUMMARY: Adaptive governance in the Delta Maven Science November 2, 2022On May 5 of 2022, the Delta Science Program hosted the third and final session of a webinar series focusing...
NOTICE: November 1 Weekly Update on Curtailment Status of Water Rights and Claims in the Delta Watershed Maven Other Announcements November 2, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This email contains important information about the curtailment status of water rights and...
Delta Stewardship Council Adopts Updated Administrative Procedures Governing Appeals Maven Other Announcements November 2, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: The updated Administrative Procedures governing appeals take effect today, November 1, 2022 and are available...
SCIENCE IN SHORT: Hullabalo Over HABs: A Science-in-Short Interview with Keith Bouma-Gregson Maven Science Podcasts November 1, 2022As California’s drought deepens, harmful algal blooms have been on the rise in the San Francisco Estuary. In this episode...
DAILY DIGEST, 11/1: First significant snowstorm hits Tahoe; Hoopa Tribe sues feds over water contracts; Groups prompt federal review of San Joaquin River exchange contract; How water was stolen from CVP for 23 years; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST November 1, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … EETING: Department of Food and Agriculture from 10am to 2pm. Agenda items include...
MONTHLY RESERVOIR REPORT for November 1st Robert Shibatani Water conditions November 1, 2022Written by Robert Shibatani A month into the new 2022-23 WY, not much has changed hydrologically for CVP/SWP reservoir storage. ...
NOTICE: Certifications of consistency filed for American River Watershed Common Features project Maven Other Announcements November 1, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: The following certifications of consistency with the Delta Plan for covered actions have been submitted...