As one of Maven’s Notebook’s regular readers in 2022, I’m reaching out to you as this year ends with a personal request. Will you consider taking an important step to show that you value our work and that you really care about California water by making a gift of support?You know that our water resources are precious; they are also increasingly scarce, even rare in some areas. The past three water years combined was California’s driest such period on record, and things are not looking to improve in 2023. That’s why accurate and timely water news is vital for anyone who cares about California water!
As one of our readers, you understand the gravity of the water crisis and you appreciate how serious things are. And, as a reader, we know you value the impact Maven’s Notebook has on the California water community. That’s why I’m reaching out to you, in this season of giving, to ask for your help.
Will you please express your gratitude for the newsletter and the email updates you receive about important water issues by making a much-needed end-of-year gift to support our work in 2023?
Each and every gift is a gem. No gift is too big or too small and every dollar matters to our small but effective team. And every gift is tax-deductible!
If you make a gift before the end of the year, you will receive the Weekly Water Blast, a publication just for Maven’s Notebook supporters. You get all the events of the upcoming week, the top clicked on news articles from the week before, and additional tidbits of news not found elsewhere on Maven’s Notebook. The Water Blast makes sure that our supporters get the information first!
I hope we can count on you at this crucial time. Maven’s Notebook will be very grateful for any level of support you can provide. No matter how small. Every donation contributes greatly to our work on California water issues.
Thanks so much for considering this request and please enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season.
With sincere gratitude,
P.S. Maven’s Notebook is a non-profit program that is not funded by grants or endowment. We depend entirely on generous folks like you who value our work and choose to support it. So please, take a moment right now to make a gift to support Maven’s Notebook in 2023.