In the foreground, an aerial view of Bethany Reservoir, located on the California Aqueduct and downstream from the Harvey O. Banks Pumping Plant. Paul Hames / DWR

DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: New page at Maven’s Notebook provides explainers and resources for evaluating the draft environmental documents

What is it? How will they build it? Can they keep the fish out?

In late July, the California Department of Water Resources released an environmental impact report for construction of a 45-mile-long tunnel – or “conveyance” — that will divert high quality water from the Sacramento River, downstream of the state capital, and deliver it to pumps on the southern edge of the Delta for export. The following offers a short review of the basics behind this ambitious and complicated project. The review was produced by Estuary News Group for Maven’s Notebook, written by John Hart, Dianna Bautista, and Robin Meadows, and edited by Ariel Rubissow Okamoto.

Click here for the Delta Conveyance Project page.