NOTICE: California 2020-2022 integrated report approved by US EPA Maven Other Announcements May 12, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: The California 2020-2022 Integrated Report has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/12: California regulators set to vote on desalination plant; Court of Appeal sides with parties seeking attorneys’ fees for challenge to California WaterFix; Which regions are saving the most — and least — water; Monterey has four affordable housing projects in the works, but not enough water to give; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST May 12, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: The California Coastal Commission will meet this morning beginning at 9am in...
URBAN WATER INSTITUTE: SGMA implementation in the San Joaquin Valley: Farmers’ perspective Maven Best of the Notebook May 12, 2022The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, or SGMA, was passed in 2014 during a period of critically dry years; the legislation...