DAILY DIGEST, 4/27: New water restrictions on tap for SoCal, Bay Area; Third year of drought pushes price of water to $2,000 an acre foot; With dwindling water supplies, the timing of rainfall matters; Why we need slow solutions to solve our water problems; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST April 27, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … WEBINAR: Briefing on state and federal efforts on orphan wells from 10am to...
CA WATER LAW SYMPOSIUM: Voluntary agreements: Are the promises enough or is it just a signpost on the way to more litigation? Maven Event coverage April 27, 2022Attorneys Richard Roos-Collins, Doug Obegi, Jennifer Buckman, and Peter Prows discuss the pros and cons of the voluntary agreements Voluntary...
NOTICE: April 26 Weekly Update on Curtailment Status of Water Rights and Claims in the Delta Watershed Maven Other Announcements April 27, 2022From the State Water Resources Control Board: This notice contains important information about the curtailment status of water rights and...