Agenda now available for the April 26-27 Delta Salinity Management Workshop

From the Delta Science Program:

A detailed agenda and and four background information sheets are available now for the April 26-27 Salinity Management Workshop. 

Convened by the Delta Science Program, the Workshop will build toward a shared understanding of how salinity management affects different people, industries, and ecological systems and begin to identify knowledge gaps that could be filled with future research and scenario-based modeling to evaluate tradeoffs of different management strategies.

In two days of panel discussions and breakout room activities, the Workshop will lay the foundation for a scenario-based modeling exercise and initiate conversations around goals for long-term adaptive management of salinity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Scenario development, modeling, and the framework for adaptive management will be further explored in subsequent public events this summer and fall.

There’s still time to register to attend! Attendance is free with registration.