From the State Water Resources Control Board:
As drought conditions persist throughout California, the State Water Resources Control Board today mailed early warning letters to approximately 20,000 water right holders.
The letter highlights the critical conditions facing our state and urges right holders to plan for potential shortages by reducing water use and adopting practical conservation measures. The letter also warns right holders to prepare for curtailments in certain watersheds if dry conditions continue or worsen. A copy of the letter is below.
Most of California is experiencing a severe drought due to the driest January and February on record. As we head into a third dry year, reservoir levels are significantly below average.
The letter reminds water right holders that accurate and timely reporting of water use data is critical for managing the state’s water resources, including protecting lawful diversions and more precisely curtailing when needed.
Annual water use reports are due by April 1, 2022. As of March 21, 2022, only 29 percent of reports have been submitted. To report your 2021 water use information, please visit our online Report Management System by April 1,2021. For assistance with water use reporting, please visit the Annual Water Diversion and Use Reporting Help webpage.
Information and updates on Division of Water Rights drought activities, including emergency regulations, curtailment updates, and regional drought responses are available at: