FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: CDFW Now Accepting Applications for the 2022 Proposition 1 Solicitation Maven Funding opportunities January 28, 2022From the Department of Fish & Wildlife: CDFW is now accepting applications for multi-benefit ecosystem restoration and protection projects under...
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS: Delta Science Fellows Program Maven Science Announcement January 28, 2022From the Delta Stewardship Council: The Delta Science Program, in collaboration with California Sea Grant, is excited to announce the...
THIS JUST IN … DWR Releases Additional “Incomplete” Groundwater Sustainability Plan Assessments to Agencies, Initiating 180-day Timeline to Correct Deficiencies Maven Breaking News January 28, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: Today, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released eight determinations on groundwater sustainability...
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Public Comment Period Opens for Riverine Stewardship Grant Program Maven Funding opportunities January 28, 2022From the Department of Water Resources: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced the opening of the public comment period...
WEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for Jan 23-28: Remote sensing technologies and water resilience; Update on Yolo Bypass Big Notch project; Mercury in tidal wetlands; plus all the CA water news of the week Maven WEEKLY DIGEST January 28, 2022A wrap-up of posts published on Maven’s Notebook this week … Note to readers: Sign up for weekly email service...
DAILY DIGEST, 1/28: Massive pipeline under construction reignites water heartburn in Kings County; If the Supreme Court rolls back the Clean Water Act, California will be ready — thanks to Trump; Latest drought monitor numbers show no improvements; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST January 28, 2022— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] MEETING: The Central Valley Flood Protection Board meets at 9am. Agenda items include a legislative update, Monthly DWR...