On January 11, 2022, from 2pm to 4pm, the State Water Board will hold a public workshop to present the details of the water loss control regulation.
- Zoom Meeting: https://waterboards.zoom.us/j/95638596259?pwd=S1Q0dHZiMlhFSFo3emphK1AwUUxoZz09
- Meeting ID: 956 3859 625
- Passcode: 135828
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a detailed overview of the regulation, including recent changes that have been made to the regulation. The majority of the workshop time will be reserved to answer stakeholder questions.
Please see the Water Loss Control webpage for more information: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/conservation_portal/water_loss_control.html.
Water Loss - Workshop Notice