ANNOUNCEMENT: Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) Public Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Activities

From the US Army Corps:

On June 9, 2021, EPA and the Department of the Army announced their intention to revise the definition of WOTUS to better protect our nation’s water resources. This process includes two rulemakings: a foundational rule to restore longstanding protections, and an anticipated second rule that builds on that regulatory foundation. The Agencies intend to engage with state and tribal co-regulators and the public to inform these two rulemakings.

Regional Roundtables

On July 30, 2021, the agencies announced stakeholder engagement opportunities, including the agencies’ intent to host ten regionally focused roundtables. On October 13, 2021, EPA and Army announced a process for stakeholders to submit nomination letters for a slate of nominees to potentially be selected for one of these geographically focused roundtables. Each regionally focused roundtables will allow stakeholders with a range of perspectives to engage and discuss their experiences with definitions of WOTUS, including challenges and opportunities within their geographic areas. The roundtables will also provide an opportunity for the participants to discuss geographic similarities and differences, particular water resources that are characteristic of or unique to each region, and site-specific feedback about implementation.

The agencies request that organizers that would like to be considered for a roundtable submit their self-nomination letter via email to no later than November 3, 2021.

The roundtables will take place in December 2021 and potentially January 2022.

For more information: