THIS JUST IN … California moves to cut off water to thousands of farmers, as drought dries up rivers

From the Sacramento Bee:

Forced to reckon with a worsening drought, California’s water regulators are preparing to forbid thousands of farmers from tapping into the state’s major rivers and streams.

It’s an extraordinary step — and one that regulators didn’t take during the last drought, which was considered one of the worst on record.

The State Water Resources Control Board on Friday released an “emergency curtailment” order that would cut thousands off from rivers and streams in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river watersheds. The five-person board still has to vote on the order Aug. 3, and it would take effect about two weeks later. … ” 

Click here to read more at the Sacramento Bee.

Update below …

THIS JUST IN … State Water Board releases draft drought emergency regulation for Delta watershed (press release and draft regulation)