From the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board:
The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board staff will hold a public workshop and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) scoping meeting to seek public input on the scope, content, and potential environmental effects from a proposed amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin (Basin Plan).
This amendment would clarify the Water Board’s preferred polices related to planning and permitting estuarine habitat restoration and multi-benefit climate change adaptation projects along the shorelines and low-lying areas of San Francisco Bay and the outer Pacific Coast.
The meeting will be conducted by video and teleconference. Members of the public will be able to listen to and watch the meeting and comment using the link.
The meeting will take place:
- Tuesday, July 27, 2021; 10 AM – 12 Noon
- Zoom link:
- Meeting ID: 921 9702 9420
- Passcode: 088600
- Dial: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)