THIS JUST IN … Reclamation updates Central Valley Project 2021 water supply Maven Breaking News May 26, 2021Agriculture and M&I water users allocation reduced; 5% allocation for CVP agricultural water service contractors both north-of-Delta and south-of-Delta confirmed...
THIS JUST IN … Extremely dry conditions prompt restrictions for some water right holders on the Russian River Maven Breaking News May 26, 2021Low flows are a threat to drinking water supplies, endangered fish From the State Water Board: With drought conditions resulting...
DAILY DIGEST, 5/26: As drought worsens, tensions erupt over control of SoCal’s largest water supplier; ‘Disaster fatigue’ could impede drought efforts; CEO speaks to water quality concerns over Idaho-Maryland mine; As water flowed through the Kern River, court finds Bakersfield violated agreement; and more … Maven DAILY DIGEST May 26, 2021— [cmtoc_table_of_contents] On the calendar today … MEETING: The Delta Conservancy Board meets from 9am to 1pm. Agenda items include...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Bay Delta Hydrology 101 Maven Best of the Notebook May 26, 2021X2, OMR, Gates, Barriers, and more: Dr. Ted Sommer sorts out the hydrodynamics of the Delta At the 2021 Bay-Delta...
YOUR INPUT WANTED on LiDAR data Maven Other Announcements May 26, 2021From the California Water Data Consortium: The California Water Data Consortium is launching a pilot project to explore opportunities to...