FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: CDFW Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program

From the Department of Fish and Wildlife:

CDFW recently released the 2021 Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Opportunities Proposal Solicitation Notice (PDF). Additional information about the grant programs and the application process can be found on the Department’s grant programs website.

Deadline for proposals is January 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m., PDT.

The primary objective of endangered species conservation and recovery grants is to support the development and implementation of state programs to conserve and recover federally threatened and endangered species. Project proposals must be developed in close coordination with CDFW and USFWS biologists and identify a CDFW employee who will sponsor the project by administering the grant. Eligible projects are those which target species that are federally listed as threatened, endangered, proposed for listing, candidates for listing, or recently recovered. Applicants must provide a minimum of 25% of the total project cost in non-federal matching funds or in-kind services.