From the Department of Water Resources:
On April 30, 2020, the negotiators finalized an Agreement In Principle (AIP) for the SWP Contract Amendment for Delta Conveyance. The AIP and accompanying White Paper (Attachment 1) are complete except for the table of Public Water Agency Delta Conveyance Facility Allocation Factors. The negotiators plan to reconvene for one additional meeting to complete this table. We will send a notification email once the next meeting date is confirmed.
The edited versions of the AIP and White Paper from Negotiation Meeting #15 that occurred in the meeting on April 29th and continued on April 30th, the edited versions by Kearns & West, the facilitation team, and the Final AIP version (Document #141) and Final Attachment 1: White Paper (Document #142) pertaining to the SWP Contract Amendment for Delta Conveyance meetings are posted on the DWR Box site, here: