DELTA CONVEYANCE: Additional scoping meeting scheduled for Redding on March 2

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has scheduled an additional scoping meeting in Redding, CA for the Delta Conveyance Project.

Date:   March 2
Time:   6pm – 8pm
Place:  Sheraton Redding Hotel              
820 Sundial Bridge Drive 
Redding, CA 96001

On January 15 DWR issued a Notice of Preparation for its proposal to modernize water infrastructure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, signaling the start of the scoping period. Scoping provides an opportunity for public and agency comment on the scope and content of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review, including the potential environmental impacts of a proposed single tunnel conveyance project and range of alternatives that will be analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report. 

Additional informational and meeting materials can be found here.

As a reminder, there are several upcoming scoping meetings scheduled in San Jose, Stockton, Clarksburg and Brentwood, in addition to the new meeting in Redding. The complete meeting schedule, including dates, times and locations can be found here. In addition to the scoping meetings, comments can be submitted:

DWR is accepting scoping comments through March 20, 2020.