The second meeting of the SAFER Drinking Water Advisory Group (Advisory Group) will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at California State University, Fresno; Viticulture and Enology Conference Room; 5241 N. Maple Avenue; Fresno, CA 93740 A quorum of State Water Resources Control Board (Board) members may be present; however, no action will be taken.
Items on this Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only; the Advisory Group may consider these items out of their listed order.
Discussion Items:
1. Fund Expenditure Policy (Policy) The Board must adopt the Policy for development of the Fund Expenditure Plan. The Board will consider adopting the Policy in March 2020. The public comment period on the draft Policy closed on February 3, 2020.
2. Fund Expenditure Plan (Plan) The Board must adopt a Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund. The Board will consider adopting the Plan in June 2020. Board staff have developed an outline of the Plan for review.
3. Needs Assessment The Board is currently performing a Needs Analysis regarding the state of drinking water in California. The analysis must be completed by June 2021.
Informational Items:
4. Data Visualization Tool Board Staff will present preliminary work on program tracking and data sharing.
5. Affordability Board staff will provide an update on affordability
6. Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Meeting materials will be available online at
Video and audio broadcasts of the meeting will be available via the Internet and can be accessed on the Board’s website (
Click here to read the full meeting notice.