SAVE THE DATE: Annual Water Supply and Demand Assessment Workshop (SB 606)

HOLD THE DATE – March 9, 2020 – Sacramento

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is holding an IMPORTANT workshop regarding the requirement to conduct an annual water supply and demand assessment pursuant to Senate Bill 606.  Water suppliers and the consultants that support them should attend.

BACKGROUND: Water Code Section 10632 requires each urban water supplier to conduct an annual water supply and demand assessment and submit an annual water shortage assessment report to DWR on or before July 1 of each year. The annual report should include information for anticipated shortage, triggered shortage response actions, compliance and enforcement actions, and communication actions consistent with the supplier’s water shortage contingency plan.

This workshop will give you an opportunity to work closely with other professionals and brainstorm best practices on how to conduct a supply and demand assessment. DWR will use this information to prepare the first Guidance Document for this effort.

Your perspective and experience are needed to inform this!

 WORKSHOP INFORMATION: At this workshop, there will be active participation to share and learn together.  The workshop will focus on:

  • Key Data Inputs for Supply & Demand
  • Infrastructure & Integration Considerations
  • The Decision-Making Process

The day will include a series of brief, targeted presentations, followed by facilitated round table discussions with other participants about the presentation topic.

The targeted presentations will be by water suppliers that have developed assessments under different circumstances – the challenges and successes they’ve experienced.

Facilitated round table discussions will allow all participants to discuss their challenges with peers and mutually learn and share with each other. DWR will take all participant feedback and use it to prepare the upcoming guidance document to support water suppliers throughout the State.

SCHEDULE AND NEXT STEPS: Save the date for March 9, 2020 in Sacramento. A registration link will be sent early next week.

This workshop will be partnered with a related workshop on March 10 about upcoming Urban Water Management Planning Guidebook update.  Stay tuned for information on that as well.