THIS JUST IN … Public Comment Opens for Groundwater Sustainability Plans

DWR releases list of GSPs available for public comment on the SGMA portal

Groundwater sustainability plans received earlier this month are now online on the DWR SGMA Portal. These plans are open to public comment for 75 days until April 15, 2020. Information about how to comment on a plan can be found in a new fact sheet in English and Spanish.

The posted plans are:

Basin Local ID (if applicable) Counties Covered
180/400 Foot Aquifer N/A Monterey
Chowchilla N/A Madera, Merced
Cuyama Valley N/A Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura
Delta Mendota Aliso WD GSA Fresno, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus
Eastern San Joaquin N/A Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus
Kings Kings_CentralKings_Adopted Fresno, Kings, Tulare
Las Posas Valley N/A Ventura
Merced N/A Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus
Oxnard N/A Ventura
Paso Robles Area N/A San Luis Obispo
Pleasant Valley N/A Ventura
Tulare Lake N/A Kern, Kings, Tulare
Westside N/A Fresno, Kings

Remaining plans from critically overdrafted basins are due to DWR by the end of today, January 31, 2020. DWR will provide regular updates about when these plans are posted and public comment opens.

The public comment period is listed for each plan on the SGMA Portal. Public comments are welcomed and encouraged – a SGMA Portal account is not necessary.

DWR is also aware that one critically overdrafted basin, the Borrego Springs Subbasin in San Diego County, may submit an alternative to a groundwater sustainability plan today. Once that alternative is submitted it will be publicly viewable on the SGMA Portal’s Alternative Reporting System and will also be open for a 75-day public comment period.

For questions or more information, email


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