INFO: Delta Conveyance updates

From the Department of Water Resources:

As we begin the new year, below are updates on a few Delta conveyance items currently underway and upcoming:

  • REMINDER: The comment period for the Initial Study/proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for soil investigations in the Delta to support preliminary design and environmental analysis of a proposed Delta conveyance facility closes on Wednesday, January 15. Details on how to comment and other informational items can be found here.
  • INFORMATIONAL: The summary from the December 11, 2019 Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority* (DCA) Stakeholder Engagement Committee (SEC) meeting is available here.
  • REMINDER: The next DCA SEC meeting is on Wednesday, January 22. Details including meeting time, location and materials will be posted on the DCA website and sent out via email.
    • NOTE: The SEC is looking for a resident to fill a vacancy to represent the region’s recreational interests. Application and submission information can be found here.
  • RELEASED: State agencies have released a draft Water Resilience Portfolio with a suite of recommended actions to help California cope with more extreme droughts and floods, rising temperatures, declining fish populations, aging infrastructure and other challenges. One of the recommendations includes modernizing inter-regional conveyance to help regions capture, store and move water. More information about the Portfolio can be found here.

We will continue to use these emails to provide updates and share informational materials and other items throughout the year.

*The DCA is a joint powers authority created by the public water agencies. Working under the oversight of the Department of Water Resources (DWR), the DCA will assist with the design and construction of a proposed Delta conveyance project. DWR – as the owner and operator of the State Water Project – will lead the environmental review and permitting process.



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