SF ESTUARY & WATERSHED SCIENCE: Ten Essential Bay‒Delta Articles; Geospatial tools and water budgets for the Delta; 20th century outflow and salinity intrusion; Management of invasive water hyacinth

In this edition of the San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science journal:


Ten Essential Bay‒Delta Articles
Ted Sommer, J. Louise Conrad, and Steven Culberson


Geospatial Tools for the Large-Scale Monitoring of Wetlands in the San Francisco Estuary: Opportunities and Challenges
Sophie Taddeo and Iryna Dronova

Water Budgets for the Delta Watershed: Putting Together the Many Disparate Pieces
Jiro Ariyama, Gabrielle F. S. Boisramé, and Marina Riley Brand

Characterizing Early 20th Century Outflow and Salinity Intrusion in the San Francisco Estuary
Paul H. Hutton and Sujoy B. Roy

Management of Invasive Water Hyacinth as Both a Nuisance Weed and Invertebrate Habitat
Erin Donley Marineau, Matthew Perryman, Sharon P. Lawler, Rosemary K. Hartman,
and Paul D. Pratt


Established 15 years ago, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science , is an open access, peer-reviewed publication that provides credible scientific research about the environmental and water supply issues of the Bay‒Delta, linking new science to policy with great impact. SFEWS‘s regional focus offers authors a chance to publish research that may uncover novel solutions to help solve some of the most significant problems that California policymakers are addressing today.

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