SAN FRANCISCO ESTUARY & WATERSHED JOURNAL: Freshwater flows in the Delta, Importance of wetland habitats to waterbirds, Abundance of salmon on the Stanislaus, Largemouth bass diets, Fishing trawls

In this issue:

Clarifying Effects of Environmental Protections on Freshwater Flows to—and Water Exports from—the San Francisco Bay Estuary: Gregory J. Reis, Jeanette K. Howard, and Jonathan A. Rosenfield

The Relative Importance of Agricultural and Wetland Habitats to Waterbirds in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta of California David Shuford, Matthew E. Reiter, Kristin A. Sesser, Catherine M. Hickey, and Gregory H. Golet

Diets of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) in the Sacramento‒San Joaquin Delta: Kelly Weinersmith, Denise Colombano, Andrew Bibian, Matthew Young, Andrew Sih, and J. Louise Conrad

Evaluation of Long-Term Mark-Recapture Data for Estimating Abundance of Juvenile Fall-Run Chinook Salmon on the Stanislaus River from 1996 to 2017: Tyler J. Pilger, Matthew L. Peterson, Dana Lee, Andrea Fuller, and Doug Demko

Estimating the Size Selectivity of Fishing Trawls for a Short-Lived Fish Species: Lara Mitchell, Ken Newman, and Randall Baxter

San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Volume 17, Issue 1 | March 2019
Issue URL:

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