Applications due January 24, 2019
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EPA is soliciting applications pursuant to Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) from eligible tribes and intertribal consortia to develop and/or implement watershed-based plans and implement watershed projects that will result in significant steps towards solving Nonpoint Source (NPS) impairments on a watershed-wide basis. Eligible entities are strongly encouraged to submit applications that develop and/or implement watershed-based plans designed to restore NPS-impaired waters and protect waters from NPS pollution. Eligible tribes and intertribal consortia may apply for competitive funding by submitting an application for up to a maximum budget of $100,000 of federal CWA section 319 funding (plus the additional required non-federal cost share/match of the total project cost).
EPA anticipates awarding an estimated $2.5 million in federal funds, depending on Agency funding levels, the number of tribes requesting section 319 funding, the evaluation of applications, and other applicable considerations, to eligible tribes and intertribal consortia with approved NPS assessment and management programs and Treatment-in-a-manner-similar-to-a-State (TAS) status as of October 12, 2018.
Full details can be found at
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