SAN FRANCISCO ESTUARY AND WATERSHED SCIENCE JOURNAL: Analyses of large storms and atmospheric rivers; Evaluations of fish surveys; Impacts of predator species on juvenile salmon; Alternative juvenile salmon production estimate approaches

Hourly Analyses of the Large Storms and Atmospheric Rivers that Provide Most of California’s Precipitation in Only 10 to 100 Hours per Year
Maryam A. Lamjiri, Michael D. Dettinger, F. Martin Ralph, Nina S. Oakley, and Jonathan J. Rutz


An Evaluation of Three Fish Surveys in the San Francisco Estuary, 1995–2015
James T. Peterson and Miguel F. Barajas


Non-Native Fish Predator Density and Molecular-Based Diet Estimates Suggest Differing Impacts of Predator Species on Juvenile Salmon in the San Joaquin River, California
Cyril J. Michel, Joseph M. Smith, Nicholas J. Demetras, David D. Huff, and Sean A. Hayes


Alternative Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE) Forecast Approaches for Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon
Michael R. O’Farrell, William H. Satterthwaite, Albert N. Hendrix, and Michael S. Mohr


San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is the primary applied research publication for the San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. SFEWS is co-sponsored by the UC Davis John Muir Institute and the Delta Stewardship Council Science Program.

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