SF ESTUARY & WATERSHED SCIENCE: Ecocultural equality and restoration, Use of captive-reared Delta smelt for species recovery, Outflow and salt intrusion in the Delta; and more …

The latest issue of the San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science is now online.  In this issue:
Ecocultural Equality in the Miwkoʔ Waaliʔ
Don L. Hankins


Western and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Ecocultural Restoration
Joy B. Zedler and Michelle L. Stevens
Considerations for the Use of Captive-Reared Delta Smelt for Species Recovery and Research
JoAnna Lessard, Brad Cavallo, Paul Anders, Ted Sommer, Brian Schreier, Daphne Gille, Andrew Schultz, Oliver Burgess, and Robert Clarke
Zooplankton Dynamics in the Cache Slough Complex of the Upper San Francisco Estuary
Wim Kimmerer, Toni R. Ignoffo, Brooke Bemowski, Julien Modéran, and Ann Holmes
Survival, Tag Retention, Growth, and Wound Healing of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Surgically Implanted with a Dummy Acoustic Tag
Kristen Towne and Patricia L. Brandes
A Comparison of Outflow and Salt Intrusion in the Pre-Development and Contemporary San Francisco Estuary
Edward S. Gross, Paul H. Hutton, and Andrew J. Draper
Abundance and Distribution of Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea) on Lower Cache Creek: Implications for Adaptive Floodplain Management
Andrew P. Rayburn, Michael Rogner, and Paul Frank

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