ANNOUNCEMENT: Application period open for the Water Education Foundation’s Water Leader Program

Water Leaders Program Gives Big-Picture View of California Water, Informative Tours and Invaluable Contacts

From the Water Education Foundation:

Applications for one of our most popular programs, Water Leaders, are now available for the 2019 class.

Alums of our one-year program say they gained invaluable contacts, exposure to different viewpoints, core knowledge and a big-picture view of California water.

Alums include Newsha Ajami, director of Urban Water Policy at Stanford University’s Water in the West; Jessica Pearson, executive officer of the Delta Stewardship Council; Martha Guzman Aceves, a member of the California Public Utilities Commission; Chris Scheuring, managing counsel for natural resources at the California Farm Bureau Federation; and Dave Eggerton, ACWA’s new executive director designate.


Launched in 1997 and now led by Executive Director Jennifer Bowles, the Water Leaders program gets you out of the office and into the field — whether it’s on one of our water tours to the Delta or the lower Colorado River, or meeting with your assigned mentor.

Mentors play an important role in the program as they conduct a shadow day with class members and help to shape ideas for the class project on a key water topic. The project is turned into a report with policy recommendations that is presented to the Water Education Foundation’s Board of Directors toward the end of the year.

Mentors are tops in their field whether they are water managers, farmers, scientists, lawyers, environmentalists or policymakers.

Click here for more information.



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