ANNOUNCEMENT: Delta Conservancy releases draft Cycle 4 Proposition 1 Grant Guidelines for ecosystem restoration and water quality improvements

From the Delta Conservancy:

The Delta Conservancy has released its draft Cycle 4 Grant Guidelines for public review and comment.

Prop. 1 allocated $50 million to the Delta Conservancy “for competitive grants for multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects in accordance with statewide priorities.” Per Prop. 1 and the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, emphasis will be placed on projects using public lands and those that “maximize voluntary landowner participation in projects that provide measureable and long-lasting habitat or species improvements in the Delta.” To the extent feasible, projects need to promote state planning priorities and sustainable communities strategies consistent with Government Code Section 65080(b)(2)(B). Furthermore, all proposed projects must be aligned with statewide priorities as identified in Prop. 1, the California Water Action Plan, the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, the Delta Plan, and the Conservancy’s 2017-2022 Strategic Plan.

Please submit comments via email to The public comment period will close on June 29, 2018.

On June 19th, the Conservancy will hold a public workshop to provide information about the revised Grant Guidelines and to prepare applicants for the upcoming grant proposal cycle. Public comment will be invited at the workshop. For more information, visit the Conservancy’s Training Opportunities webpage.

For more information about the Delta Conservancy’s Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program, please visit the Grant Program webpage.


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