ANNOUNCEMENT: Reclamation schedules public information meeting for 2018 Trinity River flows and gravel augmentation

From the Bureau of Reclamation:

The Trinity River Restoration Program will host a public information meeting to present the 2018 spring restoration flow releases from Lewiston Dam and gravel augmentation plans for the Trinity River.

The public meeting will be held:

Weaverville, Calif.: Thursday, April 12, 2018, 6 – 7:30 p.m., TRRP Office, 1313 S. Main Street (in the Holiday Market Shopping Center)

In 2018, a “dry” or “critically dry” water year is expected. In a “dry” water year, 453,000 acre-feet of water is allocated for restoration flows or 369,000 acre-feet for a “critically dry” water year. Program staff will be available to answer questions.

Flows are proposed to begin increasing in mid-April and reach their highest peaks in early May. The river could remain elevated above summer base flow as late as July.

For additional information, please contact Kevin Held at 530-623-1809 (TTY 800-877-8339) or or visit


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