Extension of public comment period
We have extended the public review period on the Progress Report – Implementing the Open and Transparent Water Data Act with Initial Draft Strategic Plan and Preliminary Protocols<https://www.water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/All-Programs/AB-1755/AB1755ProgressReportinitialdraft13018v42.pdf?la=en&hash=0B9CB4C2BE515DDEBFCCFF1D9D436FD4707ED438> (released January 31, 2018). Comments will now be accepted through Friday, March 30. If you have any questions about the documents or need additional information, please email us at ab1755@water.ca.gov<mailto:ab1755@water.ca.gov>.
Our sincerest thanks to those who have already submitted comments! We look forward to receiving additional feedback in the coming weeks. Please send comments to ab1755@water.ca.gov<mailto:ab1755@water.ca.gov>, or fax them to (916) 651-9289 Attn: Christina McCready.
Public webinar on AB 1755 implementation
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The State agencies implementing AB 1755, the Open and Transparent Water Data Act, will host a public webinar on Thursday, March 29, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Limited space will be available for in-person participation at the CalEPA Building – Training 2 (East and West), 1001 “I” Street, Sacramento, CA 95812. Link for the web broadcast will be posted on the AB 1755 website<https://www.water.ca.gov/Programs/All-Programs/AB-1755>, and emailed to the AB 1755 subscriber list prior to the meeting.
In this session, we will review: statutory requirements of AB 1755; State agency implementation efforts to date and their relationship with other data-related efforts; the development and value of “use cases”; and federation as a key strategy in making water and ecological data discoverable and usable. In addition, we’ll answer questions about the Progress Report and associated documents.
2018 Water Board Data Fair
Because of your interest in water data, you may wish to participate in the 2018 Water Board Data Fair, scheduled for Friday, March 30. In-person registration is no longer available; however, space is still available for remote participants. Please register via Eventbrite at the link below.
The Water Boards will be hosting the 2nd Biennial Water Board Data Fair on March 30, 2018 in Sacramento, CA, from 9 a.m., to 3:30 p.m. The goal of this “open house” is to share and discuss our data and data systems with our data community, including those who have to report it, those who just consume and use it, and everyone in between. This year we are pleased to announce that our water-technology partner, ImagineH20<http://www.imagineh20.com/>, will be bringing some of their colleagues and innovators to the event. Event details and registration information are available on the attached agenda.
To support our mission to continually improve our data management ecosystem we asking people to complete a short survey this year about how they interact with our data. Regardless of your plans to participate in the activities and discussions on March 30, please consider completing our survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfNBHh-z4IO_cqq87mH_NKitkoow1h1cWXG4KmQgRHsB5CBw/viewform?fbzx=7888939952343688000> (and share it with your colleagues).
For more information or to register please visit here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/water-board-data-fair-2018-tickets-43041513325
If you have any questions regarding the event please contact Jarma Bennett (916-341-5532): Jarma.bennett@waterboards.ca.gov<mailto:Jarma.bennett@waterboards.ca.gov>
Putting Data to Work :Open and Transparent Water Data Act (AB 1755) www.water.ca.gov/ab1755<http://www.water.ca.gov/ab1755>
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